It’s time to wrap up #igivearod 2021!
The last 3 weeks+ have been wonderful, a demonstration of the caring and generosity of #uglydogs and friends.
The final totals: You made and donated many knitted items to @SkikuAK and other organizations, as well as provided other non-monetary support all over the world.
You funded *50* @DonorsChoose projects for students across rural Alaska, including many native communities, to help pay for maker space tools, books of all kinds, seating, snacks and drinks to keep students learning, remote learning assistance, art supplies, PPE, ukuleles (!), classroom supplies, laser engravers, A/V equipment, Legos, STEM teaching tools, and so much more!
All of that comes to a total of $33,500.
As if that wasn’t enough, as always #igivearod highlighted numerous charities and projects.
The amount of support you all provided was humbling. Your donations include: $11,325 for social services across Alaska, $3,910 for animal-related charities, $3,025 for support of Iditarod and other Alaskan trails maintenance, education, and mapping, $2,666 for LGBTQIA+ charities, and more.
Your donations for all of these organizations comes to about $26,500.
All told you helped #igivearod 2021 raise about $60,000 for students and charities all across Alaska!
This brings the grand total raised over the last three years to about $280,000.
Thank you all so much for your incredible support! This year’s #igivearod may be coming to an end, but remember that students and organizations appreciate your support all year round, if possible. You can always find a list of these great charities at
Although we are wrapping up for this year, students across rural Alaska can always use your help. You can find their DonorsChoose projects as they are posted at
Thank you again to everyone who helped make this difficult year a little brighter, and for really making a difference in so many people’s lives. We look forward to seeing you again soon!